Japanese steel makes a quick, clean cut. Quality pruning tools save the tree from damage, promote quick wound closure, and reduce muscle fatigue.
Landscape Architects are often used to design parks or spaces to present horticulture to the public. As part of the design team, Professional Horticulturists can offer a more detailed understanding of plant materials. Also known as a "Landscape Designer", a horticulturist will usually create landscapes on a smaller scale.
We are not always aware of all the wild things in our environment. Trees and shrubs invite wildlife into the garden. The trained eye will find and preserve them.
A Consulting Horticulturist can advise, educate or even supervise staff on a large project. Consultation services offer an affordable option for homeowners who would like to construct their own landscape or "interiorscape".
Sometimes it is obvious that a tree has received lots of TLC. Most trees in our landscapes have been touched by humanity in some way.
RA Horticulture
Box 1849
Brattleboro, VT 05302
contractors insurance #BP 0292282-06